Following Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma on an enchanting journey through the deliciously sweet Honey Forest, where Kiiroitori and friends discover an extraordinary encounter with Chairoikoguma, aka Kogumachan. Amidst their whimsical escapades, they indulged in delectable honey and again found themselves entangled in mischievous adventures. To forever cherish those treasured moments, Kiiroitori and the others departed from the forest, each adorned in the charming San-X Original Chairoikoguma Kigurumi Series, a delightful costume, and the cutest bear-shaped satchel filled with some sweet honey. Join the fascinating adventure as these beloved characters unite, donning their unique Chairoikoguma Kigurumi Series costumes. Made with the utmost care from high-quality materials, this enchanting Kiiroitori San-X Original Plush is surface-washable, making it easy to care for and maintain. This San-X Original plush is the perfect gift for just about any occasion.
- San-X Original Rilakkuma Series Plush
- Color: Brown and Yellow
- Chairoikoguma Kigurumi Series
- 9 Inches Tall
- Chairoikoguma Kigurumi or Costume (Not Removable)
- Bear-Shaped Satchel (Not Removable)
- Made from premium materials
- Surface-washable for easy care and maintenance
- Ages 3+
Who is Kiiroitori?
The yellow bird that Kaoru was keeping as a pet before Rilakkuma and the others came. Kiiroitori used to stay in a birdcage, but can now leave it freely. Every day Kiiroitori scolds Rilakkuma for laying around and fights with playful Korilakkuma for being too mischievous.
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